Sunday, October 30, 2011

Justin Bieber Doesn't Trust People - Selena Gomez Included?

Justin Bieber has revealed that he has some trust issues, mostly because of his fame. Justin said he is hesitant to get too close to anyone and is afraid to trust people who he didn't know before he became famous.While it is certainly unfortunate that Justin Bieber feels this way, he is smart to be cautious.

It can be difficult to tell whether someone genuinely wants to get to know a person and be their friend for the right reasons when the person is already so well-known. It's sad, though, that Bieber feels he can't make new friends (outside of other celebrities, and they are considered colleagues a lot of the time.) Justin is currently limiting himself to those people who were his friend back in the day, before he rose to stardom.

According to reports, Justin Bieber said, "I don't really let anyone in my circle. I don't really trust a lot of people, which is sad. But I kind of keep the people I grew up with close to me."

Obviously, Justin feels comfortable with Selena Gomez. Both he and she have expressed an inability to date someone they cannot trust.

Trust is probably a large reason why celebrities tend to date/marry other celebrities. If the person you are with has a similar background and/or career, it is much easier to relate to them. Perhaps people shouldn't be so quick to judge celebrities whose relationships fail. Can you imagine if your relationship were constantly in the public eye no matter how much you tried to shield it? It's nearly impossible to. Celebrities often have to deal with opposite schedules which often means being on opposite ends of the country or even world. That is not a life that is difficult enough to live alone - sharing that life with another person is a whole other ball game.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez both seem to have their heads on their shoulders, but they might never know what it is like to truly trust regular (non celebrity) people. They need to accept that as part of the life they have pursued for themselves.

source: gather celeb

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