Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bieber urges fans to donate to Starship

Justin Bieber has announced the Starship Foundation is his chosen charity for New Zealand and urged his fans to donate.

The teen singer is backing 20 charities around the world, setting a goal to raise millions of dollars through his "Believe Charity Drive" campaign.

Starship welcomed the endorsement with Foundation CEO Brad Clark saying: "The Starship Foundation is so grateful to have the support of superstar Justin Bieber and we encourage all of his New Zealand fans to get in behind the Believe Charity Drive.

"The proceeds will go towards the rebuild of Starship Hospital's neuroservices and medical specialties wards, which treats conditions including neurological disorders, brain tumours, metabolic and genetic disorders, head trauma and suspected child abuse injuries, respiratory illnesses and infectious diseases."

Fans can go to and donate as little as $1, or donate their time.

"Everything will make a difference," Bieber said.

He has chosen charities with focus on education, youth wellbeing, and music.

source: tvnz

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