Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Rihanna Bests Lady Gaga For Female YouTube Crown

YouTube has a new queen.

Rihanna has topped Lady Gaga's video views to become the site's most-viewed female artist. The "We Found Love" singer hit 2,068,076,591 views over the weekend.

Gaga, the first musician to hit one billion views on YouTube back in October 2010, has failed to sustain the hundred million-view pace of tracks such as "Bad Romance" and "Telephone" with more recent efforts such as "You and I" and "Marry the Night," which still top 49 and 31 million, respectively.

Rihanna's "We Found Love," by contrast, stands at over 115 million views after three months.

Both women run behind Justin Bieber, YouTube's most popular singer. His videos have earned over 2.2 billion views.

source: billboard

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