Saturday, January 21, 2012

Is Kim Kardashian Getting Her Own Barbie Doll?

Christmas is over, but we already know one gift we want next year: a Kim Kardashian Barbie doll. Thanks to some telling tweets exchanged between Kim and the 50-year-old plastic doll (or, you know, whoever is behind the computer screen), we’ve got an inkling Kimmy K and Mattel are in cahoots!

On Christmas, Kim tweeted at the doll: “Merry Christmas Barbs @BarbieStyle! Long time no see! What did Ken get you for Christmas? Miss you doll!"  Then, "Barbie" responded, "Happy Doll-idays to you too @KimKardashian! See you in 2012?" 

Later, Kim responded to the doll’s holiday greeting with, “I'm sure we will be seeing lots of each other! Shopping soon.”

What does the celebutante have up her sleeve? Our guess is a doll in her likeness. We can only imagine all the craziness that would come along with a Kim Kardashian doll. Tons of accessories, endless outfits, a bedazzled cell phone – you name it.  And that’s not to mention the Khloe, Kourtney, and kid sister Kendall and Kylie dolls that would surely follow. Ka-ching! Paging Kris Jenner!

However, a Kardashian toy might rub many parents the wrong way. Kim’s 72-day marriage disaster and the fact that a sex tape made her famous doesn’t exactly make her role model material. Still, Kim’s voluptuous bod and brown locks would give a more accurate portrayal of American woman than the traditional blonde haired Barbie (you know, who couldn’t even stand on two legs if she were real, given her extremely disproportionate measurements.)

source: wetpaint

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