Monday, January 16, 2012

Justin Bieber Insulted by 2012 Golden Globes Host Ricky Gervais

Ricky Gervais insulted Justin Bieber as part of his 2012 Golden Globes monologue. The Biebs wasn't the only casualty of the evening, by a long shot, and the insult wasn't really all that bad; however, it was a bit eyebrow-raising just the same.

According to a report from MSNBC, Gervais honed in on the paternity suit that was filed late in the fall by 23-year-old Mariah Yeater. The young woman claimed that Bieber was the father of her infant son.

A flurry on Internet rumors ensued, resulting in the Biebs saying he would voluntarily take a paternity test to prove he wasn't the father of Yeater's child.

Ricky Gervais hit a bit below the belt when insulting Justin Bieber—saying that in order for him to have impregnated this young woman, he would have had to borrow a turkey baster.

"Bieber—the only way he could have impregnated a girl would have been with one of Martha Stewarts old turkey basters!" he said.

Oh, Ricky. And it didn't even appear as though Justin Bieber and his girlfriend Selena Gomez were there to defend the remotely humorous words.

Do you think Justin Bieber will find it insulting once he realizes his sexual prowess has been pretty much dissed on live TV by Ricky Gervais at the 2012 Golden Globes? Or will he simply take it all in stride?

Justin has a pretty good sense of humor. He didn't let Mariah Yeater's allegations bring him down, so it's a pretty sure bet that Ricky Gervais's won't get to him, either.


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