Sunday, February 19, 2012

See Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez in 'Call Me Maybe' Music Video

Justin Bieber really wants to help fellow Canadian cutie Carly Rae Jepsen make it big—he recently enlisted his girlfriend Selena Gomez and High School Musical star Ashley Tisdale to star in a re-imagining of her music video for "Call Me Maybe."

Justin's manager Scooter Braun has taken Carly under his wing, and the Biebs is doing his best to help the 26-year-old singer out by singing her praises. However, she should get a really big boost in popularity now that Justin teamed up with some powerful pals to promote her song.

Carlos Pena of Big Time Rush posted the "Call Me Maybe" music video remake on his YouTube channel yesterday, and it features the BTR boys, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Ashley Tisdale, Alfredo Flores, and Samantha Droke goofing off and lip-synching the lyrics to the song.

They appear to be having the best house party ever as they dance, wear fake moustaches, and use bananas as telephones. The Hunger Games book even makes an appearance at one point.

There's one really cute part of the video where Justin and Selena look like they're about to kiss, but Ashley pushes their heads apart before their lips meet. Jelena also manages to sneak a little bumping and grinding into the video near the end when everyone is in a conga line.

It's a really fun video, but it's a little sad that Carly Rae Jepsen wasn't invited to the party. Her original music video was just as cute, even without the presence of Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, and Big Time Rush. In it she tries to impress a guy by being sexy and washing a car. He comes to help her up when she falls off of the hood, and she thinks she's about to get his number—but he gives it to one of her male band mates instead. At least Carly seems to share Justin's sense of humor (and she also has that Taylor Swift sweetness going for her).

Here's a random observation—Carly looks like a brunette version of iCarly star Jennette McCurdy.

You can check out both version of the music video below and sound off on which one you like best.

source: gather

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